
At Feversham Girls’ Academy, we take safeguarding very seriously and all our staff understand that “safeguarding is everyone’s business and everyone’s responsibility”.

All adults who regularly work on our site are required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to prevent unsuitable people from working with students.

We have a culture of safeguarding within our school and have clear procedures in place.  Where any potential safeguarding concerns are identified appropriate and swift action is taken.

Where necessary, we share information with other public bodies such as Children’s Social Care and West Yorkshire Police, within the agreed local information sharing protocols, to ensure that information is shared in line with local and national guidance. This includes any safeguarding issues related to adults working at the school.

Our GST and Citizenship programme ensures that pupils learn about risks and how to stay safe within Society, including staying safe online. Pupils are taught what to do if they have a concern and who to report any concerns to. 

A member of the School Leadership Team is the Designated Senior Person (DSL) for safeguarding.

All the SSO’s are Safeguarding trained and work alongside the DSL.  We also have a designated lead governor for child protection and safeguarding on the Governing Body.

Click here to view our Safeguarding (Child Protection) policy

Click here to view our Anti-Bullying policy


Additional Professionals working with us:

  • Safer Schools Officer – PC Rachael McCabe works with us to advise pupils, parents and staff on any issues that may be affecting them.

Additional Support from External Agencies in school:

  • Educational Mental Health Practitioners – an NHS support service for children and families experiencing mental health difficulties. They can also signpost pupils, parents and staff on to specialist agencies and support as required. Our Mental health practitioner attends school regularly and referred students.
  • Step 2 Counselling - We have access to an external counsellor who attends school on a weekly basis.  (Counselling sessions are delivered sensitively and require parental consent—concerns and referrals are managed via the SSO for the year group).
  • Early Help – we have a link person from Early help who works with students and their families who require extra support.
  • Tahira Shah Youth in Mind – Tahira works with students across all year groups to support with any concerns they may have either in school or at home. Tahira meets the students weekly either individually or in small groups.