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The Academy caters for children of parents who are practising members of the Islamic Faith within the defined postal code areas.

Allocations for Feversham Girls’ Academy are made per the co-ordinated scheme which forms part of the Local Authority's (LA) published admission arrangements. In Bradford, parents may list up to five schools on the In-Year Application Form or up to five preferences when applying for Year 7 in the normal admissions round.

All applications MUST include a Supplementary Information Form (SIF), see link below, for the application to be considered. If no SIF is submitted, then the application will be rejected.

Although legislation gives parents the right to express a preference for a particular school, the Governors must first consider whether a place is available and whether the child qualifies for a place using the oversubscription criteria below. If the child could be placed at more than one of the preferred schools, the LA will offer a place at the highest-ranked preference.

The individual postal code area maps can be viewed at the school at the Open Evening event.

Postcode Place available
BD1 6
BD2 8
BD3a 15
BD3b 15
BD5 32
BD7 31
BD8 15
BD9 8
Total 130

Where the number of preferences, within each of the individual postal code priority admission areas, exceeds the number of places available in that postcode area, the following criteria will apply in the order set out below:

  1. Girls who are looked after or who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). Priority is given to those students who fall within the definition of a Muslim as shown below.
  2. Muslim girls who live in the Individual Postal Code Priority Admission Areas who have an older sister attending the Academy from the same address, who are at present in years 7 - 10 and who will still be attending the Academy at the time of admission (in area siblings).
  3. Seven places will be allocated to Muslim girls who attend Iqra Academy (part of iExel Education Trust).
  4. Muslim girls who have a sister attending the College who are at present in years 7 - 10 and who will still be attending the Academy at the time of admission who live at the same address (Out of area siblings).
  5. Muslim girls with exceptional medical or social needs.
  6. Muslim girls who are daughters of staff who have been employed at the Academy for two or more years at the time at which the application is made.
  7. Muslim girls who live outside the Academy's Individual Postal Code Priority Areas.
  8. Muslim girls who live outside the Academy’s Individual Postal Code Priority Admission Areas.
  9. All other applicants.

If two or more girls are eligible for one remaining place who live equally distant from home to the Academy we would apply random selection.

Where demand exceeds places in any one of the above criteria, the distance between the home and the Academy, measured by a straight line, from the main entrance of the student's home to the main entrance of the Academy, will be used to decide who is to be given a place; those living nearest being given the available places.

If the number of preferences received for Feversham Academy is less than the published admission number, then the Academy will defer to point 6 of the Academy admission criteria (above). Preference will be given to those girls living closest to the Academy. This will be the distance between the home and the Academy, measured by a straight line, from the main entrance of the student's home to the main entrance of the Academy, those living nearest being given the available places.

Parents do not have free choice of school as this would lead to schools having to admit students above the limits of the building as agreed with the Department for Education.

Without affecting your right of appeal, the governing body wishes you to know that staff in the Admissions Team will be pleased to discuss with you the alternative schools that may have available places.

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admission Appeals Timetable (FGA) September 2024 Intake

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

If, you wish to discuss any aspects of the admission arrangements, contact Feversham Girls' Academy.

To view and download the Parent Handbook please click the link below:

Parents-Handbook 2023-2024


Admission Pan

The PAN for Feversham Girls' Academy 2024-25 was 130 for Year 7 admissions.

The PAN for Feversham Girls' Sixth Form 2024-25 was 100 for Year 11 admissions.

Open Evening/Day

We do not have a confirmed date for our October 2025 Open Day. The Local Authority (LA) will provide this information in April, and we will publish the confirmed date once it has been finalized.

Reserved Places

Seven places are reserved for and allocated to Muslim girls attending IQRA Academy which is part of iExel Education Trust. (see Admissions Policy,  Section 4.1.3).

Oversubscription Criteria

The Admission Policy, which details this information is available to view and download from the link above. (see Section 5. Oversubscription Criteria.)

In-year Applications

The Admission Policy, which details this information is available to view and download from the link above. (See Section 10. In-Year Admissions).

Humaraya, Year 13 student at Feversham Girls’ Academy

iExel at helping others learn

We asked staff and students from our family of schools what iExel means to them...
Humaraya, Year 13 student at Feversham Girls’ Academy

Humaraya, Year 13 student at Feversham Girls’ Academy, Feversham Girls Academy

My teachers provide me with unlimited support, and are entirely dedicated to helping me achieve the grades I need to pursue my next steps in education.
Amber, Year 9 student, Feversham Girls’ Academy

iExel at helping others learn

We asked staff and students from our family of schools what iExel means to them...
Amber, Year 9 student, Feversham Girls’ Academy

Amber, Year 9 student, Feversham Girls’ Academy, Feversham Girls Academy

My peers, teachers and school motivate me to do my best in everything I do, and whenever I need support with anything its available to help me through. 
Momina, Year 11 student, Feversham Girls’ Academy

iExel at helping others learn

We asked staff and students from our family of schools what iExel means to them...
Momina, Year 11 student, Feversham Girls’ Academy

Momina, Year 11 student, Feversham Girls’ Academy, Feversham Girls Academy

My class peers inspire me to aim for my goals: no matter how ambitious they may be.”